Hi Alison,
Is this long-term or short-term packing? Packing for a shelf or packing for transport? I think you could do a lot with just plastic. You could use oversized bags to be quick and easy about it or just buy sheet plastic and wrap them by hand with packing tape. We wrap out frame plex in plastic and store them in a flat stack (not ideal I know). We haven't had any scratching.
Alternately (and untested by us) you could use a removable tape, the kind used in vinyl letter installation, sometimes called R-tape. They come in a variety of adhesives (light to heavy). This is more work, but might be nice for longer-term storage.
After the plastic wrap, you could them build up with ethafoam for extra padding so the vitrine can safely play bumper cars.
For what it's worth, we don't wrap ours at all. they are fine. I'd love to hear what you come up with and how you iterate. Reach out anytime!
Good Luck,
Matthew Isble
Exhibit Designer & Founder of MuseumTrade.org
misble@crockerartmuseum.orgCrocker Art Museum
Sacramento CA
Original Message:
Sent: 07-14-2022 09:36 AM
From: Alison Walsh
Subject: packing plexi bonnets
Hello All, does anyone have recommendations for packing plexi bonnets? I have tried several different methods, but still often have slight scratches from cloth, cardboard, bubbles and foam.
All My Best,
Alison K. Walsh
Exhibitions Coordinator/ Registrar
Yale School of Architecture Gallery
180 York St, New Haven Ct 06511
Office: +01 203.432.2292
Fax: +01 203.432.7175
Mobile: +01 203.927.6554