It's more than a title change, it's a structural change to the organization.
Naming a President/CEO may require a change to the organizations bylaws, as that pres/ceo position would have a board role that would need defining. Does the board currently have a President? If so, more bylaw changes needed to adjust that position to "chair of the board."
Good to have legal review of the organizations bylaws every few years anyway. That's where a change like this can get the in-depth exploration and consideration it merits.
R. Kevin Osgood
Executive Director
Door County Maritime Museum - Sturgeon Bay
Sturgeon Bay WI
Original Message:
Sent: 06-15-2021 10:25 AM
From: Gail Nessell-Colglazier
Subject: Job Title: Executive Director or President/CEO?
Hello Colleagues,
I'm working with a museum that is seeking its next leader, and they are considering whether to use the title Executive Director or President/CEO. The position has traditionally been that of E.D., and the role isn't changing drastically, but they are considering transitioning to President/CEO. I'd appreciate hearing from anyone with thoughts on the issue, and especially anyone from a museum that has changed the leader's title or the role.
Many thanks,