Hi there-
I am the Vice President at Thanksgiving Point Institute, which is a multi-museum complex with 5 different museums. We don't have directors for any of our venues, rather we have a joint management team that works collaboratively to ensure the best possible experiences. For instance, the Director of Guest Services is responsible for guest service at all venues, the Director of Education is responsible for programming property wide, and so on. This allows us to provide consistency of guest experience, employee experience, and maintenance throughout. Although we have multiple museums, I believe we would adopt that same model were we a single venue because of the great collaboration and job satisfaction that it engenders. Hope that helps!
Lorie Millward
Vice President of Design and Programming
Thanksgiving Point Institute
Lehi UT
Original Message:
Sent: 03-29-2019 09:33 AM
From: Mark Schlemmer
Subject: Co-directors in a museum?
For an international perspective, see Te Papa:
"The partnership between the Chief Executive Officer and Kaihautū (Māori leader) reflects the bicultural nature of the Museum.
Te Papa 'acknowledges the unique position of Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand and the need to secure their participation in the governance, management, and operation' of the Museum."
Here's the link to the info about their executive team:
Executive team
Mark Schlemmer
Registrar for Collections
New-York Historical Society
New York NY
Original Message:
Sent: 03-28-2019 12:49 PM
From: Gail Nessell-Colglazier
Subject: Co-directors in a museum?
Hello All--
Does anyone know of any museums that have two co-directors reporting to a Board (rather than two deputies reporting to an executive director)? If you know of a museum that has tried this, and whether it was successful or not, I would appreciate hearing about it.
Gail Nessell Colglazier
Executive Searches for Museums
Career Counseling for Museum Professionals
Londonderry, NH