Instead of the museum taking on an activist role, this model teaches people how to be activists for their own causes. This is the model of the Center for Artistic Activism (C4AA), led by Rebecca Bray, who came to C4AA from the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, where she was the...
This National Endowment for the Arts Blog article discusses the IMLS report on Understanding the Social Wellbeing Impacts of the Nation's Libraries and Museums. #AudienceEvaluation #AudienceResearch #Advocacy
This Alliance Blog article from February 2021 discusses the creation and reasons for starting the Measurement of Museum Social Impact (MOMSI) initiative. #Advocacy #AudienceEvaluation #AudienceResearch #MOMSI #MSIIP
A listing of all the blogs and websites that have come up in the related thread. #Advocacy #CollectionsStewardship #CareerManagement #HumanResources #MissionandInstitutionalPlanning #FacilitiesandRiskManagement #EducationandInterpretation #MarketingandPublicRelations ...
Museum Blog and Website Suggestions.docx
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Hi all, Here's an article from the latest SciTech Lawyer magazine called, "The Patent Gallery: How Museums Can Illuminate Their Intellectual Property" by Vid Mohan-Ram, a patent attorney and member of the ABA's Museums & the Arts Law committee. It gives an overview of patent activity...
The Patent Gallery SciTech Lawyer vol 11.pdf
A listing of all the book titles that have come up in the "What Museum-Related Book Are You Reading?" thread. #MissionandInstitutionalPlanning #FinancialStability #GovernanceandSupportOrganizations #CareerManagement #CollectionsStewardship #Advocacy #MarketingandPublicRelations ...
Reading Suggestions.docx
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