A listing of all the blogs and websites that have come up in the related thread. #Advocacy #CollectionsStewardship #CareerManagement #HumanResources #MissionandInstitutionalPlanning #FacilitiesandRiskManagement #EducationandInterpretation #MarketingandPublicRelations ...
Museum Blog and Website Suggestions.docx
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Hi all, Here's an article from the latest SciTech Lawyer magazine called, "The Patent Gallery: How Museums Can Illuminate Their Intellectual Property" by Vid Mohan-Ram, a patent attorney and member of the ABA's Museums & the Arts Law committee. It gives an overview of patent activity...
The Patent Gallery SciTech Lawyer vol 11.pdf
A listing of all the book titles that have come up in the "What Museum-Related Book Are You Reading?" thread. #MissionandInstitutionalPlanning #FinancialStability #GovernanceandSupportOrganizations #CareerManagement #CollectionsStewardship #Advocacy #MarketingandPublicRelations ...
Reading Suggestions.docx
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