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  • 1.  Taking Membership fees over the phone

    Posted 08-02-2024 11:32 AM

    Our membership program is built on a large majority of Members calling our offices to renew their membership. At which point we take their credit card information over the phone to process the renewal on the backend of our CMS (Altru). We are exploring other options for security and state policy reasons. I'm curious how other institutions might handle this, or different methods you use to remedy not taking membership fees over the phone. We do not have an online Member portal but do have a sign-in method that links Members to their account when renewing on our website. For those who join online, they create an account upon purchase. Does your institution allow taking Member's credit card payments for membership fees over the phone? If not, how has this affected marketing memberships and membership sales? Thanks! 

    Daniel Rodriguez
    Head of Membership
    Bullock Texas State History Museum
    Austin TX

  • 2.  RE: Taking Membership fees over the phone

    Posted 08-05-2024 09:52 AM


    My guess is that the reason for so many calls is that the online option is either clunky or confusing.  Many membership organizations take calls from members who want to renew via the phone, especially from older members who aren't comfortable performing some transactions online.  But it is not usually a high volume situation that you describe.  This audience is more cautious of getting scammed, so if they are calling someone they trust, like a museum, they feel ok doing that and it should remain an option.  Plus, its nice to have some one on one connections with members.


    I hope some membership managers respond to you with advice on the Altru process for further assistance.  The state of the industry now is that the bulk of your membership renewals should be happening online, so getting that working smoothly is imperative.


    Good luck!   


    Dana S. Hines, CFRE

    President, Membership Consultants

    314-574-1185 |


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  • 3.  RE: Taking Membership fees over the phone

    Posted 08-06-2024 09:44 AM
    I very much agree with Dana's assessment.


    John Morey

  • 4.  RE: Taking Membership fees over the phone

    Posted 08-06-2024 10:42 AM

    Hi Daniel,

    We use Altru as well, and yes, they can renew and join online. Not the easiest to navigate but that is where most of our memberships come through. We also take memberships over the phone, either the Membership department or Guest Services. As Dana stated some are more comfortable calling in.

    We also, send out renewal notices via email and standard mail. Members with the email can click on the hyper link and it takes them to the renewal page, and those that receive the membership form in the mail will mail it in with a check.


    It is best to give options for the renewal or purchasing of memberships.



    KarenLee Parmelee


    KarenLee Parmelee

    Senior Membership Associate



    Grounds For Sculpture

    80 Sculptors Way | Hamilton NJ 08619


    Current exhibition: Slow Motion, on view May 5, 2024 - September 1, 2025. 


    Create memories, spark imagination, and support wellness through art and nature. Become a GFS member and enjoy exclusive year-round benefits! Check out the NEW, discounted Young Adult (ages 18-25) membership!