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South Texas/Northeastern Mexico Book List

  • 1.  South Texas/Northeastern Mexico Book List

    Posted 11-13-2022 02:44 PM
    Hello all,

    I am compiling a list of books to possibly order for our Museum Store in Edinburg, Texas. Our mission is to preserve and present the borderland heritage of South Texas and Northeastern Mexico for all generations. Publications in English and Spanish are both valuable!
    We have some great publications on our shelves, but are lacking in diversity in academic text. Any suggestion are very helpful, and I hope the growing list can be a resource to you as well.

    The link to the spreadsheet is below. If possible, please include ISBN numbers. That will be very helpful.
    Sign in to your account

    If the link doesn't work, or you are short on time, feel free to respond on this thread or shoot me an email at

    Have a wonderful day,​

    René Ballesteros
    Community Engagement Officer
    Museum of South Texas History
    Edinburg, TX