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  • 1.  Small fabricator needed

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 12-01-2023 09:48 AM
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  • 2.  RE: Small fabricator needed

    Posted 12-04-2023 11:42 AM

    Hi Elizabeth,

    I'm not the guy, but I pulled up the 127 NJ people from my linkedIn network for you and blasted the request to the 20 or so who looked capable of this job. I wrote this:

    Hi (name),

    I like connecting people in need. Do you have someone on your team that takes on side jobs? I saw this on AAM's forum today:

    Elizabeth Romanaux

    Posted 3 days ago


    We are creating our first hands-on science exhibit, an outdoor 3 x 4 foot display about ferrofluid and magnetism, and the fabricator we chose to work with says the project is too small for them. Any thoughts about a fabricator who might be willing to take on something small with the possibility of a larger set of exhibits down the road? Should be near NJ if possible. einsteinmuseum @



    Matthew Isble
    Exhibit Designer & Founder of
    Crocker Art Museum
    Sacramento CA

  • 3.  RE: Small fabricator needed

    Posted 12-04-2023 12:27 PM
    Hi Elizabeth,

    Try contacting Jan Spoerri or Paul Orselli (POW). I’ll send you their contact information offline once I confirm it’s current.

    Glad to see things progressing at the museum!

    Sent from my cell, please excuse any typos