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Reminder: Ask Me Anything on earthquake preparedness for cultural institutions with Conserv & Jerry Podany - 7/25 @ 1pm

  • 1.  Reminder: Ask Me Anything on earthquake preparedness for cultural institutions with Conserv & Jerry Podany - 7/25 @ 1pm

    Posted 07-16-2024 12:31 PM

    Join us for a free virtual AMA (Ask Me Anything) with heritage conservator Jerry Podany on earthquake preparedness and damage mitigation for cultural institutions. We're hosting a power hour of questions and answers on July 25th from 1-2pm virtually on the Conserv Community. RSVP and start leaving some questions for Jerry now! He'll be answering everything live on the 25th along with your follow up questions. We're looking forward to a lively conversation, and any question big or small is fair game.

    Email me at to RSVP or to ask questions ahead of time.


    Allie Bryan