Hi Avi,
Will you provide information on how to join?
Sara Hillis Ousby EdD
Director for Strategic Initiatives
Dallas Museum of Art
Dallas TX
Original Message:
Sent: 08-08-2022 06:03 AM
From: Avi Decter
Subject: Museums and Change will resume on Thursday 8/25 at 12:30pm EDT
Join us for our next session on Decolonization. Brandie Macdonald will present.
Brandie Macdonald (she/her; Chickasaw/Choctaw) is Senior Director of Decolonizing Initiatives at Museum of Us and a PhD fellow at UC San Diego. Her work and publications focus on transformative systemic change within museums driven by anti-colonial and decolonial theory-in-practice in order to redress colonial harm domestically and internationally.
Avi Decter, Eric Siegel, Ken Yellis