Hello Michelle,
Please allow me to introduce you to Eriksen Translations, which is the premier language service provider for cultural institutions.
Since 1986, we've assisted more than 400 museums, gardens, parks, and zoos, from the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Latino to History Colorado, from the US Capitol Visitor Center to the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center.
Translation for Museums & Cultural Institutions | Eriksen Translations
Every translation features the work of two native-speaking linguists, who work in tandem in a checks-and-balances process. It also includes one round of editorial review, where a native speaker on your team can send queries to our linguists, which are answered in turn.
Regardless of which route you choose, it is vital that you, as a cultural institution with content seen by thousands of visitors, work with a professional linguistic team with the skill, expertise, and experience in translating content that reads as though it were composed in the target language.
Feel free to reach out to learn more.
Best regards,
Will Lach
917/ 370-2808
Will Lach
Director of Sales
Eriksen Translations Inc.
Brooklyn NY
Original Message:
Sent: 08-14-2024 04:52 PM
From: Michelle Nash
Subject: Museum Text Translation
Hello All!
We are hoping for some recommendations for English to Spanish text translators who have experience with museum panels/interpretive text. We are looking locally as well but the specialties in our area are mostly business and medical. We want to get some quotes for a large scale project and potentially build an ongoing vendor relationship for future projects as well.
Thank you!
Michelle Nash
Curator of Collections
Elkhart County Historical Museum

"Museum collection storage is both a physical space and an ongoing process."- NPS