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  • 1.  Museum disaster mitigation training

    Posted 06-16-2023 06:25 PM
    Hello—does anyone know of any disaster preparedness training workshops available? Prefer in person training to online.
    Thank you

    Wendie Cook

    Executive Director
    The Citadelle Art Museum
    806.323.8899 museum
    806.217.1553 cell

  • 2.  RE: Museum disaster mitigation training

    Posted 06-19-2023 09:41 AM

    Hi Wendie,

    You might see what Connecting to Collections offers (, and the Performing Arts Readiness Initiative offers webinars as well which are quite useful even if targeted at performing arts institutions.  (  ICA-Art Conservation offers a full-day fire and wet-salvage workshop that includes a controlled burn and triage measures, and--possibly a little closer to you--CCAHA in Philadelphia offers disaster training and response ( And don't forget your local emergency responders and County Office of Emergency Management officers, they might have resources too.  Hope these ideas help.  Well done you for planning! 

    Holly Witchey

    Executive Director, ICA Art Conservation

    Holly Witchey
    Executive Director, Intermuseum Conservation Association (ICA-Art Conservation)
    Cleveland OH

  • 3.  RE: Museum disaster mitigation training

    Posted 06-19-2023 10:29 AM

    Thank you so much!

    Wendie Cook
    Executive Director
    Citadelle Art Foundation
    Canadian TX

  • 4.  RE: Museum disaster mitigation training

    Posted 06-20-2023 08:13 AM

    Hi Wendi!

    We also have a local (by local I mean in Texas) Alliance for Response organization called Texas Collections Emergency Resource Alliance (TX-CERA). We are an all volunteer organization, but we provide educational resources on the website as well as training opportunities. I recommend visiting the website, and would also be happy to answer any questions you might have or putting you in contact with other members of the board.



    Kristine Markle

  • 5.  RE: Museum disaster mitigation training

    Posted 06-20-2023 10:11 AM

    Hi Wendie, 

    Rebecca Elder is a cultural heritage preservation consultant based out of Austin, TX, and offers disaster preparedness workshops occasionally. She held a workshop at our museum last year. I think the Oklahoma Museums Association and IMLS funded it.

    Taylor Larson
    Special Collections Curator
    Museum of the Great Plains
    Lawton OK

  • 6.  RE: Museum disaster mitigation training

    Posted 06-20-2023 12:14 PM

    While they wouldn't be able to offer in-person training, check out the extensive work that COSTEP MA has done to support statewide efforts in disaster and emergency training. It's inspirational!

    If you are willing to look into an online option, I may be able to offer training and resources for your staff but am Massachusetts-based. Visit and be in touch if needed!

    Julie Arrison-Bishop
    Beverly, Mass.