Hi Caitlin: This is a longer conversation than I can respond to here, but I am happy to discuss by phone about the lessons learned and the issues to consider in setting up an agreement. I've worked on developing several shared cultural heritage facilities, including preparing the draft agreements between institutions. Sadly, some did not make it past planning for a variety of reasons, including different goals, complex funding issues, administrative conflicts, etc. Nevertheless, I totally support sharing the speciality facilities needed for proper collections storage. One successful model of a shared facility for library and archival collections is ReCap. They have a good deal of information on their website. https://recap.princeton.edu/about.
As noted by others, a purpose-built facility is ideal, but a good renovation can be done for appropriate preservation. Please reach out if you would like to discuss. Best, Michele Pacifico
Archival and Museum Facilities Consultant
PO Box 1490, Jackson WY 83001
Original Message:
Sent: 04-11-2024 07:20 PM
From: Caitlin Podas
Subject: Multi-museum shared storage facility
Hello all,
My museum and several others in our community are considering a shared collections storage facility to help with rising offsite storage rental fees and need for additional space for each of our institutions.
I am wondering if anyone knows if this kind of shared storage endeavor has been done before, and if so, what were the pitfalls and successes? I personally have a lot of questions related to security and access, but we are still talking through the general feasibility of a project like this.
I appreciate any leads or contacts you can share!
Caitlin Podas, Manager of Registration and Exhibitions