You'll want to buy several extras, so that you can quickly trade out if one becomes too dirty or damaged to continue using. You could try to secure with a long cord or tether, giving people enough slack that they can maneuver it and use it as you intend, but also stay put.
If your audience is primarily adults vs kids, you may have an easier time
Kaitlin Lloyd-Leva
Head of School Programs
Bullock Texas State History Museum
Austin TX
Original Message:
Sent: 06-17-2024 03:27 PM
From: Gracelyn Casas
Subject: Maintaining Tactile Exhibitions
I am looking to curate an exhibit designed to include visitors by allowing them to try on gear used in anthropometric testing (jackets, helmets, etc). How does one go about maintaining an exhibit like this? Both in the overall security of the objects (staying within the exhibit space) and the preservation of the equipment itself?
Gracelyn Casas
Gracelyn Casas
Museum Specialist
Patuxent River Naval Air Museum
Lexington Park MD