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  • 1.  Lighting Question

    Posted 10-20-2023 08:40 AM
    I am an independent exhibit designer working for a client who is retrofitting a circa 1940s US Army Armory building for an exhibit on their nearly 100 year old festival. The ceiling is a tray-shaped ceiling with the angle starting about 12' off the floor. We plan to install a hanging grid track lighting system at about 12' off the floor.. Is there a standard dimension for each grid square? 8' x 8'? 6'x6'?
    Thanks very much,
    Mary Anna
    Mary Anna Murphy
    Designing cool exhibits for over 20 years!

  • 2.  RE: Lighting Question

    Posted 10-21-2023 03:48 PM
    You might find part of your answer in here: Guidelines for Selecting Solid-State Lighting for Museums


    Jean-Luc Vincent

    Administrateur du SIA
    Direction, Archéologie, Collections et Conservation
    Direction générale des affaires autochtones et du patrimoine culturel
    Parcs Canada, Gouvernement du Canada
    2630, chemin Sheffield, Ottawa, Ontario, K1B 3V7
    Messages: / Cell. non fiable 613-720-4418 / Fax 613-990-6627

    Je travail dans le territoire non cédé et non rendu du peuple Anishinaabe ou Algonquin.

    AIS Administrator
    Archaeology, Collections and Curatorial Branch
    Indigenous Affairs and Cultural Heritage Directorate
    Parks Canada, Government of Canada
    2630 Sheffield Road, Ottawa, Ontario, K1B 3V7
    Messages: / Cell. unreliable 613-720-4418 / Fax 613-990-6627

    I work in the unceded and unsurrendered territory of the Anishinaabe or Algonquin people.

    450 000 km2 d'histoires / 450 000 km2 of stories

  • 3.  RE: Lighting Question

    Posted 10-23-2023 09:32 AM
    Thanks very much for this info. 
    Mary Anna
    Mary Anna Murphy
    Designing cool exhibits for over 20 years!