Good Morning Brian. We would be happy to help. We design rigging systems for museums and theatres, as well as lighting systems (infrastructure, controls and fixtures), and design the exhibit lighting as well if needed. If you can give me any more specifics on this project, we would be happy to start a conversation and explore some solutions with no obligation to you. We design only, so part of our work would be to create plans and specifications that could then be let out to bid for best pricing by a list of qualified contractors which we would work with you to identify. All best wishes, Ted Ohl, Schuler Shook.
Ted Ohl
Schuler Shook
Minneapolis MN
Original Message:
Sent: 07-31-2024 11:35 AM
From: Brian Norris
Subject: Lighting and Ceiling Grid for Temporary Galleries
Good morning, I am working with a museum partner that has asked about lighting and rigging grid for their temporary galleries. Basically it's the gridded structure that would hold the lighting track as well as support for any signage, speakers, projectors etc. This is a bit out of our wheelhouse and are looking to see if anyone has worked with a firm that designs or installs these types of system. Thank You!
Brian Norris
Senior Project Manager
Bowen Technovation
Indianapolis IN