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Let's Plat Together! Online Workshop

  • 1.  Let's Plat Together! Online Workshop

    Posted 10-02-2024 12:52 AM

    Nothing is more serious, urgent, and important in life than play. When we play we become the best version of ourselves. We are fully connected to who we are and to the present, we relate authentically to others, are more creative and empathetic, learn better by overcoming our fears and prejudices, and get a lot out of just being. Unfortunately, as "serious" adults, professionals, etc we do not permit ourselves to play. We tend to see play as a naive "children's activity". But play is much more than that. What would happen if we started to play more with ourselves and others? How would this affect our well-being, motivation, creativity, and passion? How could we do this by learning from those who are best at it--children? 

    In our course, we will play together to rediscover the joy of the experience of playing for the sake of playing, as children know to do. We will connect with our inner child, be able to show others our vulnerability through play, celebrate our failures, and wild-imagine futures where we can continue playing and telling amazing stories.

    Be part of a unique 8-hour experience led by Jose Antonio Gordillo Martorell, Ph.D., founder of Cultural Inquiry. This introductory course unravels the potential of a playfulness mindset in revolutionizing well-being, storytelling, and learning in organizations. Welcome to your Play transition.

    At Cultural Inquiry, we are staunch advocates for the transformative power of children-centered and community weaving through play. With this belief guiding our way, we've designed the "Let's Play Together" "courses and workshops series to support you by providing key skills, ethical patrons, and critical thinking in this complex process. For this purpose, we have created an immersive 6-hour interactive online experience complemented by 2 hours of self-seed project creation to apply to your organization afterward. 

    Participants will delve into some pivotal skills provided by play such as inner child connection reinforcement, learning by failing, authenticity based on your vulnerabilities, "What If" and "Why" future scenarios thinking,  caring and compassionate approach to others, etc.

    Information and registration: 

    LET'S PLAY TOGETHER! - No. 1 Play and Storytelling with Jose A. Gordillo | My Creative Networks

    Facilitator contact: Jose Antonio Gordillo martorell, Ph.D.

    Jose Antonio Gordillo Martorell PhD
    CEO & Founder