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Label Standardization

  • 1.  Label Standardization

    Posted 01-22-2024 04:51 PM

    Hello! I am looking for some resources on museum label standardization - we are hoping to find some sort of template so we can easily create same-size labels without hand cropping each individual label. I would also love to see any label policies/procedures regarding labels if people are willing to share! :)

    thank you!

    Hanna McKellar


    Bar Harbor Historical Society

    Hanna McKellar
    Bar Harbor Historical Society
    Bar Harbor ME

  • 2.  RE: Label Standardization

    Posted 01-22-2024 05:01 PM
    Is this about object storage labels or exhibit labels?


    Jean-Luc Vincent

    Administrateur du SIA
    Direction, Archéologie, Collections et Conservation
    Direction générale des affaires autochtones et du patrimoine culturel
    Parcs Canada, Gouvernement du Canada
    2630, chemin Sheffield, Ottawa, Ontario, K1B 3V7
    Messages: / Cell. non fiable 613-720-4418 / Fax 613-990-6627

    Je travail dans le territoire non cédé et non rendu du peuple Anishinaabe ou Algonquin.

    AIS Administrator
    Archaeology, Collections and Curatorial Branch
    Indigenous Affairs and Cultural Heritage Directorate
    Parks Canada, Government of Canada
    2630 Sheffield Road, Ottawa, Ontario, K1B 3V7
    Messages: / Cell. unreliable 613-720-4418 / Fax 613-990-6627

    I work in the unceded and unsurrendered territory of the Anishinaabe or Algonquin people.

    450 000 km2 d'histoires / 450 000 km2 of stories

  • 3.  RE: Label Standardization

    Posted 01-22-2024 05:19 PM

    exhibit labels!

    Hanna McKellar
    Bar Harbor Historical Society
    Bar Harbor ME

  • 4.  RE: Label Standardization

    Posted 01-23-2024 08:57 AM

  • 5.  RE: Label Standardization

    Posted 01-23-2024 11:09 AM

    As a graphic designer that has worked on more exhibit labels than I can count, I can't help but mention typographic issues in the examples in the diy museum labels. A few things that stand out:

    Headline leading (space between lines). The space is so tight here that if the first line had a descender (lower case g, for example) it would overlap the second line.

    Widows. (term for the single words on the end of a paragraph of type). This is considered poor typography because it hangs by itself and creates too much white space between paragraphs.

    I also see that the paragraphs are force justified (hard edges on both the right and left side of the text block). Force justifying creates inconsistent spaces between words within the paragraph. It works with very small type (newspaper columns) or a longer line length, but not for short line lengths/larger type like shown here on ID labels. It is better to have labels with less text/larger type flush left, ragged right. That would help with the widows, too.

    This may seem very nit-picky but it helps with readability, comprehension, and looks more professional. I think it is possible to work from a template if you don't have the funds for a graphic designer, but having a graphic designer get you set up with a template and a few typographic rules/parameters would really help.

    Julie Nauman-Mikulski
    Senior Designer
    Chicago IL

  • 6.  RE: Label Standardization

    Posted 01-23-2024 11:19 AM

    Have you got a copy of "Exhibit Labels: An Interpretive Approach" by Beverly Serrell? I don't have the new edition in front of me but the first edition has a great chapter on typographic design that you might find helpful. 


    Senior Assistant Director, Operations & Strategy

    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
    College of Fine and Applied Arts
    Krannert Art Museum
    500 East Peabody Drive | M/C 592
    Champaign, IL 61820
    217-333-3437 |

    Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act any written communication to or from university employees regarding university business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure.

  • 7.  RE: Label Standardization

    Posted 01-23-2024 12:19 PM

    Yes to Beverly Sarnell's book as mentioned previously.

    This guide from the Smithsonian is also great!

    Julie Arrison-Bishop
    Beverly, Mass.

  • 8.  RE: Label Standardization

    Posted 01-23-2024 12:39 PM

    Word on the street is that Beverly will be at AAM with the latest edition of her Book, which will drop later this month!

    And I concur with Julie above. Hire a professional graphic designer to help set up your template. 


    Bart Hays
    Pacific Grove CA

  • 9.  RE: Label Standardization

    Posted 01-24-2024 06:58 PM

    Hi Hanna, Have you seen Beverly Serrell's book Exhibit Labels? It may give you the insights you looking for in regard to "policies and procedures". It's a great book. Her newest edition is due to come out any day now!

    As for the first part of your inquiry, do you have an ideal size you're looking to produce? At the Crocker we do 8.5x11 as well as 8.5x5.5 for just the base amount of info (we call them tombstones, not sure if everyone calls them that?). We occasionally go linger when need be, but most of our permanent collection labels adhere to the full sheet size labels.

    As for the template, we use InDesign to load up all the labels. I can share that template, but it's nothing special. Just some boxes of various wall colors and grid lines for the outsides. We print everything to an adhesive backed material using an HP Latex printer. For our permanent collection we adhere the label to mat board and cut off the perimeter (maybe this is the part you're trying to avoid) for the temp exhibits we cut off the excess and stick them right to the walls.

    What kind of printer do you have?

    How many labels do you make for each show?

    Describe your ideal work flow including budget of time and resources?

    I'm a nerd for this work, I'm happy to problem solve the best solution for your situation....



    Matthew Isble
    Exhibit Designer & Founder of
    Crocker Art Museum
    Sacramento CA

  • 10.  RE: Label Standardization

    Posted 01-25-2024 02:47 PM

    Hi Hanna and all,

    Thank you for posing the question Hanna. I love seeing these responses. I have a copy of Beverly's book on back order an anxiously await it's arrival. I was a graphic designer in a previous life and in my heart I still am.  Matt, I'm very interested in this latex printer you mention and also wonder how you adhere the mat board backed labels to the wall. We are running into issues with repainted walls not allowing our label "sandwich" to adhere and we frequently have to recreate and rehang labels.

    Amanda Cheatham
    Exhibition Designer/Museum Registrar
    Windgate Museum of Art at Hendrix College
    Conway AR

  • 11.  RE: Label Standardization

    Posted 21 days ago
    Edited by Michael Blasco 21 days ago

    Here at the Springs Preserve in Las Vegas we have textured walls, which gave us trouble with our labels not staying up. The process we came up with is to staple a smaller piece of mat board to the wall using regular T50 staples. We then use a double-stick tape gun (Scotch ATG 700) applied to the piece on the wall, then stick the slightly bigger label onto that. That gives us a slightly floating label.

    And I agree with Julie's assessment of the DIY labels. I'm constantly reminding our interns to allow for breathing white space around text if possible. They seem to want text right up to a cut edge.

    We've got our system down to a science. Label info goes into an Excel spreadsheet that gets saved as a cvs file, imported into InDesign using Data Merge, design the template and export merged labels. I then go and hand adjust any outliers that may possibly wrap and force data off the edge and adjust those styles. Using a great little InDesign script called StyLighter that color codes all the paragraph styles different colors so i can easily see something that looks out of place.

    Michael Blasco
    Exhibit Technician
    Springs Preserve
    Las Vegas NV

  • 12.  RE: Label Standardization

    Posted 01-24-2024 11:16 PM

    Hi Hanna and the Group--

    Great posts, advice, and recommendations. And thanks for the plugs for the 3rd edition of Exhibit Labels! You are all very kind. 

    I'll post your DIY notes and resources on my website to augment the chapter on Production. See you in Baltimore, I hope!

    Sincerely, Beverly Serrell

    Beverly Serrell
    Serrell & Associates
    Chicago IL