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Join MUSEUMS AND CHANGE TODAY 6/13 at 12:30pm EDT for a session with Sarah Pharaon on principles of Dialogue and Dialogic Interpretation

  • 1.  Join MUSEUMS AND CHANGE TODAY 6/13 at 12:30pm EDT for a session with Sarah Pharaon on principles of Dialogue and Dialogic Interpretation

    Posted 06-12-2024 03:10 PM

    What Dialogue Has Taught Me


    Since 2012, Sarah Pharaon has shared the principles of dialogue and dialogic interpretation with practitioners across the country.  Along the way, she's partnered with organizations to confront fraught legacies, encouraging discussion on some of our nation's most divisive issues. We'll talk about some of our field's misconceptions around facilitation and difficult conversations, as well as how we can best build our cultural organizations to serve as community connectors in divisive times. 


    Sarah Pharaon, Principal of Dialogic Consulting, has directed consultation services for the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience, worked as the Director of Education at the Lower East Side Tenement Museum, and was the founding curator of the Arab American National Museum. A facilitator and museum professional, Sarah helps cultural organizations become stronger facilitators and to better apply dialogic principles in their planning, programming, and exhibition efforts.


    Topic: Museums and Change


    Time: Jun 13, 2024 12:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


    Join Zoom Meeting


    Meeting ID: 864 3328 5472

    Passcode: 190251