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Help Choose Gather's Next Convening Topics... and Win a Book!

  • 1.  Help Choose Gather's Next Convening Topics... and Win a Book!

    Posted 09-19-2023 02:07 PM
    Edited by Robert Urstein 09-19-2023 02:12 PM
    We've valued the fantastic participation from the AAM community in the past year in Gather's virtual convenings. More than 1,200 professions from many functional areas have joined us, along with guests from both industry and our own academic network of experts. We've appreciated your participation, and we've been overwhelmed by the positive feedback we've received from attendees.

    As we look ahead to planning and scheduling our upcoming fall and winter convenings, we would love your input to ensure that these programs continue to offer the greatest value to the community we serve. Gather's programs are always free and open to all!

    We've identified 5 topics that have surfaced in recent conversations, and we'd be grateful if you could indicate which of these 5 topics would be most useful to you and the work you do in your institution by completing this single question less than 30 second survey.

    And as a thank you for your input, everyone who participates will be entered into a drawing for one of 4 copies of books from two of our previous convening guests: Stanford longevity expert Susan Golden's
    STAGE Not Age, on better understanding and serving older adults, and Stanford social psychologist Geoff Cohen's Belonging: The Science of Creating Connection and Bridging Divides, with valuable lessons and practical advice for every museum about how to create more welcoming and inclusive institutions.

    Thank you for your help and your ideas. We look forward to seeing you in upcoming convenings.

    Robert Urstein PhD
    Co-Founder, Gather Learning
    San Francisco CA