Looking Back to Move Forward – Five Key Employee Engagement Insights
For over a decade, Global Aspect has partnered with zoos, aquariums, and museums (ZAMs) to measure employee opinions and drive actionable change. As 2024 closes, we've distilled five critical insights from our benchmark database to help ZAM leaders enhance employee engagement, wellbeing, and organizational culture. A link to the in-depth whitepaper that supports each of these insights at the end of this email.
Insight 1 – A New Normal for Workplace Perceptions
While the pandemic caused significant changes to ZAM employees' view of their workplace, perceptions have settled into a new and slightly elevated normal on most, but not all survey topics.
Insight 2 – Shared Patterns Across Institutions
Employee opinions show remarkably similar patterns across zoos, aquariums, or museums (e.g., same highs, same lows, same engagement drivers). This suggests that similar actions can be leveraged to address organizational challenges (retention, development, union avoidance, etc.).
Insight 3 – The "Big Four" Engagement Drivers
We continue to be convinced that for most organizations, the four big issues that most influence employee Engagement and Wellbeing are – Meaningful Work, Trust & Respect, Senior Leadership, and Workplace Culture.
Insight 4 – Benchmarks Provide Crucial Context
Industry benchmarks provide vital context to help leaders determine what to prioritize based in part on how they compare to peers (i.e., leading, lagging, on par) at the overall institution level and among particular segments within the institution (job function, status, level, etc.).
Insight 5 – Accountability + Tools/Support = Change
Data and insights prepare leaders to take action, but tangible sustained change is much more likely to happen when senior leaders hold themselves and others accountable for taking action AND when leaders are provided with tools and support to take action.
To learn more
About the benchmarks - contact Dr. Kyle Lundby at klundby@globalaspect-hca.com.
Download the full whitepaper - Culture and Engagement Surveys.
Kyle Lundby
Global Aspect Human Capital Advisors
Durham NC