At the Philadelphia Sports Hall of Fame we get similar requests. We are bit discerning in that we look at each request somewhat strategically. I.e. is there some potential benefit to the Hall of Fame. If it is small like a school, church or community function like a beef & beer we tend to decline. If it is an event/organization with some synergy with the Hall of Fame we tend to oblige and use it as a marketing opp. But we usually make it contingent on getting something in return like an advertisement in the event program booklet, opportunity to provide promotional material or even free tickets to the event if it could be a networking opportunity.
We tend to offer tickets more so that swag. Tickets don't really cost us anything and we look at it as getting someone to attend who may not otherwise do so. Plus they often bring other, cash-paying customers.
My 2 ¢
Ken Avallon
Philadelphia Sports Hall of Fame
Original Message:
Sent: 08-03-2022 04:44 PM
From: Caitlyn Cawthon
Subject: Auction Item Donation Request Policy
Hi all,
Our museum often gets asked to provide admission tickets and swag for other nonprofit events as silent auction prizes. While we absolutely want to share the wealth and be good community partners, we also know providing the better swag people want to bid on cuts into our bottom line. While this can be a great opportunity for us to "trade" auction items with other museums/arts orgs in the community, not every organization is able to provide that type of partnership or reciprocal relationship. Does anyone have any policies related to providing these types of donations (i.e. only X number of tickets a year/first come first serve) they'd be willing to share or any general insight on practices you employ within your organizations?
Thanks so much in advance!
Caitlyn Cawthon
Development Manager
Orange County Regional History Center
Orlando FL