We used them as signage that introduced each galllery in a permanent exhibit at the Rochester Museum and Science Center (RMSC). Our panels were 30" x 78". Because our exhibit was permanent, we had the bases bolted into the floor. You would have to contact the manufacturer about a weight limit. They website says they can accomodate panels up to 60" wide, but most people use them with lighter weight substrates like FalconBoard. We try to avoid using PVC based substrates whenever possible.
Douglas Flandro
Exhibit Designer
CambridgeSeven Associates, Inc.
Cambridge MA
Original Message:
Sent: 04-10-2023 10:08 AM
From: Lana Newhart-Kellen
Subject: Display panels
Hi Douglas,
Do you use these as temporary exhibition walls?
Do they have a weight limit?
What are the dimensions of the plywood panels you use?
Lana Newhart-Kellen
Collections & Facilities Manager/Purdue Galleries
Patti & Rusty Rueff School of Design, Art & Performance
Harrison Hall/HARR C-14B
107 MacArthur Drive
West Lafayette IN 47906
ljnewhar@purdue.edu (Newhart-Kellen, Lana J)

Original Message:
Sent: 4/10/2023 9:45:00 AM
From: Douglas Flandro
Subject: RE: Display panels
We have recently used this hardware for a similar project:
We used 1/2" TH direct to substrate printed ApplyPly finish grade plywood panels. They can be repainted white and reprinted again and again. We left the edge grain unpainted.
Douglas Flandro
Exhibit Designer
CambridgeSeven Associates, Inc.
Cambridge MA
Original Message:
Sent: 04-05-2023 12:39 PM
From: Hope Amons
Subject: Display panels
Hi, we are a historical building and looking for display panels for pop up exhibits. We need something sturdy and classy. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hope Amons
Carpenters' Hall
Gift Shop Manager