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Design and Documentation Software in Museums Survey

  • 1.  Design and Documentation Software in Museums Survey

    Posted 11-14-2023 11:21 AM

     (Long message)

    Hi all! I'm currently working on my graduate thesis for my MS in Historic Preservation. I'm looking at the use of design and documentation software to generate digital products for museums across the U.S. that interpret the historic built environment. As part of my thesis, I am conducting a survey to determine which software programs are used to generate digital products such as 3D models, 3D virtual tours, photogrammetric models, augmented and/or virtual reality experiences, or building information models (BIM) for the museum, and to see if individuals with a preservation degree are part of producing these digital products. 

    I'm currently searching for respondents to the first tier of my survey. The primary focus of this tier is to collect data about historic sites that possess some sort of digital product, and determine whether or not that product was made in-house. The first tier of the survey consists of 16 to 22 questions, depending on your answers, and should take about 10-20 minutes to complete.

    My goal with this survey is to provide the museum and preservation fields with a better understanding of software use in the museum field and help preservationists understand their role (or potential role) in the development of such products. If you're willing to take the survey, I am asking respondents to complete the first tier before 5:00pm EST on Friday, December 8, 2023. If you have any questions or experience any difficulties accessing the survey, please contact me at or my advisor, Amalia Leifeste, at Thank you for your help!

    Link to the survey:

    Hannah St. Onge
    Student, Clemson University Graduate Program in Historic Preservation
    Charleston, SC
    AAM Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo, Baltimore, May 16-19, 2024, click to learn more