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  • 1.  Compact Shelving Systems

    Posted 12-15-2023 11:12 AM

    Dear all,

    Our old compact shelving system is in dire need of servicing. (It is the type that needs to be manually rotated in order to be moved). Does anyone, particularly those located in the New York area who may use a similar system, know of a specialist/technician they can recommend?

    Thank you in advance for your help!

    Maria Barney MSLIS
    Assistant Librarian
    Hispanic Society Museum & Library
    New York NY

  • 2.  RE: Compact Shelving Systems

    Posted 12-18-2023 11:06 AM

    Dear Maria,

    Our compact shelving system, which is also manually rotated, was designed and installed by Modern Office Systems (who are located here in NYC). I've been very pleased with their customer service. I don't know if their technicians work on systems that they didn't install, but if not, I expect they could at least make some recommendations.

    Good luck!


    Laura Morris
    Director of Archives and Research
    Joan Mitchell Foundation
    New York NY

  • 3.  RE: Compact Shelving Systems

    Posted 12-19-2023 09:53 AM

    Reach out to Modern Office Systems. They were my main resource when I was a museum facility administrator and I also rely on them for my current clients. 

    Parth Joban

    Modern Office Systems LLC

    Museum Specialist

    Phone: 646-432-4266

    Good Luck!


    Megan Chusid
    Owner's Representative
    New York NY