Hi Aaron,
Welcome to Texas. We aren't a historic site, but rather a history museum, and we do have some exhibits and programming on this time period, if you want to connect. Education@TheStoryofTexas.com; Bullock Texas State History Museum.
You should also connect with the Alamo, they do interpret the Spanish Colonial period, not just the revolution, and they've got some great classroom resources. education@thealamo.org
Also not a historic site, but you should connect with Lila Rakoczy <lila.rakoczy@glo.texas.gov> at the Texas General Land Office. As one of the archives in Texas, they have a lot of Spanish language documents and it wouldn't surprise me if they are developing resources for this time period.
I dont have a contact here, but we ourselves use the resources created by the rangers of the San Antonio Missions National Park: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm9cZHyyngelN-HyG8jvAYA
Best of luck,
Kaitlin Lloyd-Leva
Head of School Programs
Bullock Texas State History Museum
Kaitlin Lloyd-Leva
Head of School Programs
Bullock Texas State History Museum
Austin TX
Original Message:
Sent: 12-09-2023 11:03 AM
From: Aaron Gates
Subject: Colonial Spanish Interpretation
Good Morning! I have recently moved from Civil War interpretation in Louisiana over to 18th-century Colonial Spanish interpretation at Mission Dolores State Historic Site in Texas. I am hoping to connect with other museum educators and interpreters who also work with this particular subject matter, hearing about your experiences in this subject, and what sorts of programs you have done that have been successful.
Aaron Gates (He/Him)
Museum Educator/Interpreter
Mission Dolores State Historic Site - Texas Historical Commission
San Augustine, TX