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Collections Stewardship Community on Museum Junction

  • 1.  Collections Stewardship Community on Museum Junction

    Posted 06-15-2022 06:45 PM

    On behalf of the Leadership from Collections Stewardship Professional Network, I would like to invite all those who have roles with or interest in topics related to Collections Stewardship to join our new Community on Museum Junction.  Search "Collections Stewardship" to find the Community and request to join.

    You will still be able to pose questions, share ideas, solicit feedback from colleagues, and share information about upcoming professional development opportunities. 

    We are excited for CS-AAM to enter into this new chapter. We are passionate about ensuring the collections community has a platform to continue sharing our expertise with one another, and further strengthen our professional community. Please feel free to reach out to any of the members of the elected leadership if you have any questions!

    CaitlinPodas, Registrar
    Secretary, CSAAM