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Call for Proposals by April 15 for Collecting with(in) the City Conference, Amsterdam NL, 9-11 October 2024

  • 1.  Call for Proposals by April 15 for Collecting with(in) the City Conference, Amsterdam NL, 9-11 October 2024

    Posted 03-28-2024 03:29 PM

    In October 2024 the International Council on Museums (ICOM) international committees CAMOC (City Museums) and COMCOL (Collecting) are holding a joint conference, Collecting with(in) the City. The conference will be hosted by the Amsterdam Museum in partnership with Imagine IC.


    The conference is a space for heritage practitioners from all over the world to reflect on collecting in and within a city. We welcome anyone from any professional field who is interested in these matters to submit proposals on the following topics:


    ·         Power and (In)equalities

    ·         Creative Engagements

    ·         Fluid Borders

    ·         Tangible and Intangible

    ·         Concepts of Care


    We welcome proposals for traditional paper presentations, as well as workshops, dialogue sessions, highlight sessions, artistic interventions, and posters. We prefer practical cases over academic approaches.

    • Paper & Practices (individual or shared presentation up to 15 minutes)
    • Workshops (90-120 minute sessions by one or more facilitators that provide practical takeaways)
    • Dialogue session (60 minute session of moderator and 2-4 speakers to share perspectives on a focused topic)
    • Highlight session (20 images in 6 minutes and 40 seconds)
    • Artistic intervention (please explain in the proposal how attendees will experience or interact with it)
    • Poster (graphic presentation with up to 300 words to be shared with attendees in gallery setting)


    Learn more and submit a proposal at


    The deadline for all abstract submissions is 15 April 2024, 23:59 CET.  Approval of proposals will be announced by 15 May 2024.


    Glenn Perkins (he/him)


    Curator of Community History

    Greensboro History Museum

    City of Greensboro

    Phone: 336.373.2610

    130 Summit Avenue, Greensboro NC  27401

    www  |

    #gsohistory  facebook  |  twitter  |  instagram  |  youtube


    Chair, ICOM CAMOC – International Committee for the Collections and Activities of Museums of Cities 


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