Dear Colleagues,
In case you missed it! On July 27th, BPOC hosted the fourth episode of our Dreaming of Digital Asset Management series. We invited Piotr Adamczyk from Ithaka, Virginia Poundstone from the Mhz Foundation, and Alexis Rossi from Internet Archive to speak with us about the type of work that their organization engages in, how their organization works with cultural institutions, and the benefits of working with aggregators to make collection images and data more widely accessible.
If you missed the live discussion and want to watch the recap, you can find the recording on our Youtube Channel or at the following link:
If you would like to be kept up to date with this series or future webinars, you may sign up for our mailing list here:
All the best,
Alexandra Kron
Digital Operations and Collections Information Analyst
Balboa Park Online Collaborative
San Diego, CA