Hi Alex!
We use tracking software called Better Impact. I definitely recommend tracking this separate from visitation for a lot of reasons. For me, I have always built in tracking for their hours specifically, which naturally includes the day.
I am happy to chat more about why we get granular with our tracking if you like!
- Melanie, Director of Guest Relations, Michigan Science Center
Melanie Depcinski
Director of Guest Relations
Michigan Science Center
Detroit MI
Original Message:
Sent: 12-14-2023 09:01 AM
From: Alex Winn
Subject: Attendance Tracking Best Practices
Hello museum community,
I was looking for best practices on tracking attendance with regards to volunteers. Does your organization track volunteers on the day the perform their service, as a count in the daily total for your visitation attendance?
Alex Winn
Director of Guest Relations
Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park
Grand Rapids MI