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  • 1.  Attendance Tracking Best Practices

    Posted 12-14-2023 09:01 AM

    Hello museum community,

    I was looking for best practices on tracking attendance with regards to volunteers.  Does your organization track volunteers on the day the perform their service, as a count in the daily total for your visitation attendance?   



    Alex Winn
    Director of Guest Relations
    Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park
    Grand Rapids MI

  • 2.  RE: Attendance Tracking Best Practices

    Posted 12-15-2023 09:15 AM

    Hi Alex!

    We use tracking software called Better Impact. I definitely recommend tracking this separate from visitation for a lot of reasons. For me, I have always built in tracking for their hours specifically, which naturally includes the day.

    I am happy to chat more about why we get granular with our tracking if you like!

    • Melanie, Director of Guest Relations, Michigan Science Center

    Melanie Depcinski
    Director of Guest Relations
    Michigan Science Center
    Detroit MI

  • 3.  RE: Attendance Tracking Best Practices

    Posted 12-15-2023 12:26 PM

    Hi Alex,

    We track our volunteer hours separately from visitation. Our program is small and we are able to adequately track in an Excel spreadsheet. In addition to attendance, we also capture more granular information such as the project the volunteer worked on for our records.

    Lee Wapnitsky
    Volunteer and Education Office Coordinator
    Museum of History and Industry
    Seattle, WA