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  • 1.  AAM Card Museum Access International?

    Posted 12-02-2024 09:21 AM

    Hi Museum friends,

    I am heading to London and forgot to renew my ICOM with enough time to get my card in the mail. Does our AAM membership get us access to any museums in the UK? 


    Alexandra Krueger
    Director of Museum Administration
    The New York Historical
    New York NY

  • 2.  RE: AAM Card Museum Access International?

    Posted 12-03-2024 03:45 PM
    It’s been my understanding that in recent years reciprocal arrangements that AAM offered to members have expired. Some museums may honor the card with a courtesy admission, but no institutions are required to. Of the number of reciprocal membership programs I’m familiar with (NARM, ModCo, etc.), none include museums outside North America.

    James Bryant
    SOJOURN Science - Nature - Education
    Santa Fe, NM

  • 3.  RE: AAM Card Museum Access International?

    Posted 12-05-2024 05:50 AM

    I live in Amsterdam, my AAM Membership card has never worked to gain admission to a European museum. Only local museum associations and ICOM are recognized. 

    Barbara S. Krulik
    Krulik Cultural Consulting Services
    New York

  • 4.  RE: AAM Card Museum Access International?

    Posted 12-05-2024 11:28 AM
    On the positive side, museum people can be very generous when receiving visits from fellow professionals from other countries! I have been welcomed and hosted at museums in France, Russia, Monte Carlo, etc. And I love being able to return the favor.

    James Bryant
    Santa Fe, NM

  • 5.  RE: AAM Card Museum Access International?

    Posted 12-06-2024 06:17 AM
    Yes.  And I'd try to assess the relative prosperity of the institution before asking for free admission...might they need the financial support?

  • 6.  RE: AAM Card Museum Access International?

    Posted 12-06-2024 08:25 AM
    It's always worth asking! You can also try using your work ID (if you brought it). I've sometimes found that whoever is at the desk will give a professional discount or reciprocity. It's not necessarily an official policy at most places, but sometimes they have the latitude to give it anyway. This has worked for me in Europe as well as North America.

    For the record, it was never a requirement for AAM affiliates to offer reciprocity to members, but many institutions did/do.

  • 7.  RE: AAM Card Museum Access International?

    Posted 12-04-2024 04:11 PM

    Hi Alexandra,

    Hello from Brooklyn!  Don't worry - if you renew your ICOM membership today, you'll get an email from ICOM showing membership and proof of payment that you can show until you get your card.  I've had to do this many MANY times while waiting for the renewal stickers to come through the mail, and have never had a problem.

    Have a great trip!

    Lauren Fly
    Conservator + Collections Manager
    Brooklyn NY