We have a very specific dress code for our front-line staff who wear uniform shirts. All pants, shoes, and hats (worn only outdoors) must coordinate with the branded colours of the museum. There is some dabbling in hair colour, make up, piercings, and visible tattoos in our policy but we are pretty forgiving.
When it comes the office areas however it really does depend on the role and I'm okay with that. As a director my attire can run the gamut from a formal suit to jeans and t-shirt depending on the day and what my tasks are...and shockingly those jeans sometimes get worn on a Wednesday!
Dress codes are tricky business. Our communications person dresses in business casual for media while our designers dress to express their creative outlook.
If someone's clothing poses an OH&S issue, like exceptionally baggy clothes being worn around mechanical equipment or tools, that is one thing. But to tell someone who does data entry all day they can't wear jeans on a Tuesday seems wrong to me.
My suggestion is if you are questioning what someone is wearing, think about why it bothers you and then respond accordingly. I try not to pass moral judgement on anyone. We work in a creative field and I feel if someone needs to express themselves through their clothes in order to let that creativity flow, as long as it's safe, who am I to judge?
Lisa Making
Director, Exhibits & Communications
Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology
Drumheller AB
Original Message:
Sent: 05-05-2017 11:10 AM
From: Cedar Phillips
Subject: dress code
We're updating our personnel handbook, and I've been requested to include a paragraph about dress code expectations. We've never had anything formally written down in the past, and we're in the middle of some rapid growth and all the accompanying growing pains -- things changing, new staff added, and a resulting need to clarify changing expectations. Does anyone have any tips or advice, or what has or has not worked for you? Things you would do differently if starting from scratch?