Hi, looking for some recommendations.
I work in an image archive. We have assets such as black and white prints, 35 mm slides, cut film, etc. We do make digital scans of images in this collection on a regular basis for various uses. So images need to travel from the archive to our scanning lab (all in the same building). At the moment, we use some bright orange folders/wallets that flip open and use a cord to close. Part of the original idea on those was that with the bright orange color it would be easily noticed and not misplaced anywhere.
The problem, however, is that these wallets are acidic and not the best for the assets even if, in most cases, the assets are only in the folders for a short time. We are looking into finding a replacement option. I was wondering if anyone had any non-acidic recommendations for anything similar?
Rebecca Dupont
Washington, D.C.