That's an exciting opportunity Laura, and it may be helpful to obtain an appraisal so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not to accept the gift. However, I believe that IRS rules require the
donor to obtain the qualified appraisal at the donor's sole expense.
Laura MacDonald
Benefactor Group, LLC
Columbus OH
Original Message:
Sent: 05-04-2017 03:04 PM
From: Laura Kilcer VanHuss
Subject: Landscape/Real Estate Appraiser
Does anyone know of qualified appraiser that would be able to quantify the value of a yet-uninterpreted historic gardens? The private owner is interested in donating it to a non-profit for educational and interpretive purposes, but are at a loss of how to the site properly appraised.
Laura Kilcer VanHuss
Curator of Collections
Mandeville LA