Hi Robyn,
i agree reed with what was recommended regarding "fun", "learning ", and "doing." I would also suggest varying the type of questions so visitors don't get bored and check agree agree agree down the list. Remember, visitors want to be polite and respectful of their host. You should pilot your survey before it is set in stone to see if you get useful answers.
Some multiple choice questions:
what brought you to museum today
a. Interested in history (science, art etc)
b. Wanted something to do with children
c. Bringing out of town visitors
d. In the neighborhood
e. Other (please specify)
How many times have you been here in the past year?
a. This is my first time
b. Once before
c. 2 or 3 times
how many people with you?
no. of adults: Children:
How long did you spend in the museum
a. Less than half an hour
b. Between half and 1 hour
what was was most memorable about you visit?
you can leave open-ended
i would recommend this museum to family and friends. Strongly agree, agree, etc
What could we do to improve your experience?
Maybe you are interested in local vs visitors from farther away, using zip codes.
It's really important to ask only questions that yield responses you can use. And avoid yes/no questions. It really helps to try your questions out with real visitors, not just coworkers. Good luck.
Ellen Giusti
Independent Consultant
New York NY
Original Message:
Sent: 01-24-2018 05:35 PM
From: Rich Rime
Subject: Simple Museum Visitor Survey
we've been surveying for quite a long time (though more than 5 questions). I would suggest:
1. ask the Net Promoter question (you can google it).
2. "Did anything interfere with your visit"?
3. "How long did you spend at the Museum"?
4. "Have you visited the Museum before"? If so, "how long from your last visit"?
5. "who did you come with"?
Good luck!
Rich Rime
Director of Sales
Museum of Flight
Seattle WA
Original Message:
Sent: 01-23-2018 11:26 AM
From: Robyn Gibboney
Subject: Simple Museum Visitor Survey
I would appreciate people's input on what five simple questions you would ask visitors to a museum (children's museum, history museum or natural history/science museum). These would not relate to a specific program but questions that anyone coming to the museums could respond to. I would like to end up with a general idea of satisfaction level but also engagement/interest in the general content. If we are an informal education institution, did the person learn something?
Some ideas I had (with responses provided on a Likert-type scale: Strongly Agree – Agree – Neither Agree Nor Disagree – Disagree – Strongly Disagree) are:
1. I had fun exploring the different exhibits.
2. I tried to do or experience something new to me today.
3. I learned or experienced something I want to share with a friend or family member.
4. I will encourage others to come to [Museum Name].
5. I want to come to [Museum Name] again within the next 12 months.
Suggestions for improvement most welcome!
Robyn Gibboney, PhD, GPC
Director of Grants
Cincinnati Museum Center