Do you mind if I post this on some private Museum Educator and Social Media Managers groups on Facebook? Wanted to check before doing so!
Looking forward to seeing this data from across the country!
Ani Simmons
Arts & Culture Educator
Frisco Heritage Museum
Frisco TX
Original Message:
Sent: 12-16-2020 11:39 AM
From: Jacqueline Eyl
Subject: Collecting Data on Virtual Programming
Hello Colleagues,
I am attempting to collect museum community statistical data on virtual program since the beginning of the Pandemic through December (or current day). Would you mind filling out or sharing this Google Sheet with data regarding the number and type of virtual programs your museum has been offering?
Thanks for your help and contribution to this effort – I hope this will be useful to all of us.
Happy holidays to all,
Jacqueline Eyl
Director of Youth Education
Exhibitions and Programs
202.607.1266 (cell)