We have used Luxam (Based out of FL) a couple of years ago to light up our case work when we upgraded our gallery. They are small fixtures that look like miniature stage lights with barn doors that you attach to a thin pole and angle them where needed. The source is an LED Light source with fibers that come from it to the fixtures. Good quality lighting. Hope this helps. Beyond that we've had a bad experience with Fiber Optics but that was when Fiber Optics was beginning. Had to replace everything after 5 years unfortunately.
Alan Byler
AV / Lighting Technician
State Museum of Pennsylvania
Harrisburg PA
(717) 783-9913
Original Message:
Sent: 09-19-2018 06:57 AM
From: Vivian Zoë
Subject: Fiber Optics
Has anyone had recent experience installing fiber optic lighting for exhibitions? Advice? products? Designers? Thank you!
Vivian F. Zoë, Director
Slater Memorial Museum
108 Crescent Street, Norwich CT 06360
860-425-5560 vox
860-885-0379 fax
"Inspiration is for amateurs - the rest of us just show up and get to work," Chuck Close, 2003
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