A little late to this but here at the Philadelphia Sports Hall of Fame we have a lot of digitized "artifacts." These are primarily a result of items we had on loan for rotating exhibits. Prior to breaking down an exhibit we digitize everything. For those items on loan we tag them with as much information as we can about the individual or group loaning them to us. This serves a couple of purposes:
1-It easily allows us to present artifacts and exhibits on-line
2-We build our "inventory" of near-turnkey exhibits. So if we want to do the same (or very similar) exhibit in the future we have everything we need, who to contact to "re-borrow" the item, etc.
3-Very often an item from one exhibit is a great item for a very different, but related exhibit. I.e. Some items from an exhibit of an individual Inductee may be relevant for an exhibit of a championship team. Again, with all of the contact information, it allows us to easily "re-borrow" an item.
4-These also serve as sort of a "marketing tool." As an example, we had a display that featured an Olympic Gold Medal from the 1948 Olympics. Naturally the family wanted it returned but we digitized it before returning. When we were designing an Olympics-focused exhibit we presented the 1948 medal to a family and as a result they loaned us medals (and a beret) from the 1908 and 1912 Olympics.
One final word is that we "Catalog" these items rather than formally curating them as part of our permanent collection.
Hope this helps!
Ken Avallon
Philadelphia Sports Hall of Fame
Ken Avallon
Philadelphia PA
Original Message:
Sent: 12-07-2018 11:49 AM
From: Kris Ann Knish
Subject: Digitization without donation
Hello fine colleagues,
This is my first time posting, but I have been learning so much from the sidelines!
I am seeking advice and/or policies on how other institutions handle digitization without formal acquisition. Often people bring their material to our archives with no intention to donate (or they have already arranged to donate to a different repository). Instead, they offer to "allow" me to digitize their items (scrapbooks, photographs), retain the digital copies, and return the original material with digital files of high quality scans. The archives' written policy is that we "do not accept reproductions in lieu of original/primary source material". However, my concern is these private collections will go back into their dark archives and the content will be lost to our researchers and community. Sometimes descendants are just not willing to part with their family's original items.
Does your repository digitize collections that are not and will not be donated to your institution? And if so, what do you do with these reproductions? What is the best way to respond to these types of situations?
Many thanks,
Kris Ann Knish
Archivist and Collections Manager
Breckenridge Heritage Alliance