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AIC Materials Working Group

  • 1.  AIC Materials Working Group

    Posted 10-31-2018 08:58 AM
    The Materials Working Group is a community of collection care, conservation, analytical science, and allied professionals united in developing guidelines and best practices for selecting, evaluating, and disseminating materials used in collection care.  

    Please see the group's Wiki page which describes our mission, sub-committees and goals in more detail.

    The group meets annually and will be meeting later this week.  We are hoping for participation from a wide variety of museum professionals, and your response is critical to our mission. This survey has already been sent out via a variety of professional networks, and most of the respondents thus far are conservators and collections managers. We are hoping that by sending out this message via the AAM list that we will garner responses from a wider variety of individuals.   The survey should only take about 10 minutes of your time. 

    We very much appreciate your help with this effort.  If you are interested in participating in other ways with the MWG please email MWG Chair, Becky Kazckowski (

    All our best,

    The MWG Resources Subcommittee

    (sent by Lisa Goldberg, Goldberg Preservation Services, LLC