I am a graphic designer, and agree with AIGA's statement about the danger of spec work, which everyone has linked to. Are you also wondering about
pro bono work, wherein an ad agency partners with a non-profit for mutual success? There is a contract, brief, deliverables, and transparency in this relationship that can be beneficial for all parties: museums get access to talent and agencies get to make award-winning work. Museums can be great pro bono clients because we have interesting ideas to sell! However, museums need to be able to be flexible and spontaneous because what is offered or delivered may be off brief. Developing and maintaining a relationship with the right partner can be a challenge. There are lots of conversations about this out there. Some PRO pro bono articles are here and
here, from the ad agency perspective. An ANTI pro bono article
here. Some ideas about being a good client can be extrapolated
Taproot connects creatives with causes, though it may be more project-based than some institutions need. In terms of
how to write an RFP, look at existing RFPs for agencies of record. But mostly try to narrow down who you'd send this to: go to a mixer, speaking event, awards show, or other AIGA event (substitute another professional organization for other needs) and meet some people! Most events are free or low-cost and AIGA has chapters in many cities and regions.
*I've gotten all my jobs through people I've met via AIGA, hence my unsolicited support of them... They also offer health insurance to members, a godsend for freelancers, and basic contracts, resources, etc.
Amanda Boesen
Graphic Designer
Oakland Museum of California
Oakland CA
Original Message:
Sent: 08-28-2018 01:36 PM
From: Barbara Punt
Subject: Solicit free design in RFP?
I've heard AAM has language censoring (prohibiting?) member institutions from soliciting work for free in RFPs. Does anybody know where I can find that language, or what it says? I'd like to cite it in an article I'm writing.
Thanks in advance for your help,
Punt Punt Consulting Group
409 North PCH, Suite 326
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
(310) 937-3366
When in Doubt...Punt!