On December 9, 2021, we opened the first phase of the virtual Museum of Political Corruption. We are new at this and since the venue is not traditional, we are not sure what type(s) of insurance coverage we need.
Since we do not have a physical collection to speak of, we are mostly concerned with the potential for lawsuits regarding our content. As an example, among our current galleries we have a Hall of Shame, which presents individuals, historical and contemporary, whose actions have generally been accepted as demonstrative of political corruption. Currently, we have 5 "winners," or "losers" depending on your point of view, and plan to add 5 more each year. We realize this could be a tricky situation and are in the process of writing up our criteria for this particular "award."
Our questions are: how do we protect ourselves from potential lawsuits, how much insurance do we need, and are there insurance agencies that specifically cover museums and their content materials.
Thank you,
Donna Kuba
BOT, Museum of Political Corruption.