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  • 1.  Museum Educator Conference/Professional Development?

    Posted 11-02-2017 01:19 PM
    Calling all museum educators:  What conferences or professional development opportunities do you attend to get information specifically related to the museum education field?  I've attended Social Studies or history educator conferences and some museum conferences, but find that most of the panels don't really relate to my job as a museum educator.  

    Additionally, are there publications you subscribe to in order to know about "what's new" in museum education or to keep up with research related to the field?

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

    Mallory Lineberger
    Assistant Education Specialist
    LBJ Presidential Library
    Austin TX

  • 2.  RE: Museum Educator Conference/Professional Development?

    Posted 11-03-2017 08:09 AM
    Invest in yourself and go! All best, Geri Thomas, Arts & Culture Consultant

    Geri Thomas

  • 3.  RE: Museum Educator Conference/Professional Development?

    Posted 11-03-2017 09:10 AM
    Hi, Mallory -

    I attend (and often present at) the International Museum Theatre Aliance conference (IMTAL, and National Association for Interpretation (NAI, annual national conference and, when I can, some of the NAI regional and special interest conferences. Depending on what you need when, NAI's workshops and webinars may be useful, too.


    Judy Brenneman
    Fort Collins CO

  • 4.  RE: Museum Educator Conference/Professional Development?

    Posted 11-03-2017 09:35 AM
    The NYCMER (new york city educator's roundtable) conference is always phenomenal if that's relevent to you, and I always hear amazing things about AAM's conference, of course.

    Luned Palmer

  • 5.  RE: Museum Educator Conference/Professional Development?

    Posted 11-06-2017 11:14 AM
    Great question! 
    I would highly recommend joining AAM's professional network for educators, EdCom, which is comprised of museum educators across the country. Membership gives you access to lots of activities that can broaden your perspective, engage you in conversations, and connect you with colleagues facing similar challenges in their work. EdCom offers regular "EdComversations" which are hosted on-line (so no need for travel expenses or registration fees), tons of resources to keep you current in the field including a monthly newsletter and frequently updated lists of resources, support for attending the AAM conference each year, and even a mentorship program. It's a one-stop shop for all things awesome in museum education! Okay, that's my shameless plug for EdCom! 

    I'd also suggest subscribing to the Journal of Museum Education and accessing their website for archived articles written by practitioners in the field. The JME is a wonderful resource to look at whenever the question arises of "has anyone thought about this in museum education before?" Most often, the answer is "yes," and there's an article in the journal written by someone fantastic!

    Last suggestion, which I learned from some wise colleagues at a former institution where I worked is that some of the best pd experiences can be had just by "field tripping" to other museums and cultural institutions in your region (even better if you do it with your staff!). By observing what your neighbors are doing - and getting up and out of the silo of your own institution - you can spark some new thinking, steal some great ideas, and foster dialogue about what to do and not do within your own programs. So sign yourself some permission slips, pack a lunch, and get out there!

    Best of luck to you. 


    Jason Porter
    Director, Education & Programs
    Museum of Pop Culture
    Seattle WA