Hello Peter,
I saw your post on the AAM message board about apps for museum use. The type of visitor app that is most common is an integrated audio/mobile tour experience. This could take many forms from a simple user interface to play audio or text only media to something that integrates text, audio, images, video, interactive games, augmented and virtual reality, image recognition, etc.
In my 20+ years working with mobile technology and mobile tours, I would strongly give this word of advice. Always find what type of story/experience you want your visitors to have first and then find the technological solution. If you chase the technology first and then find an interpretive angle second, the experience will often be lack luster and have a short shelf life at the institution.
With the iPads you can also keep things really simple and use them to show videos, maps, images, etc to your student guests to go along with a docent tour experience.
If you would be open to it, I am happy to brain storm with you. I represent ListenUp Audio and we create mobile tour experiences for visitors and historic/cultural sites. We provide audio/multimedia productions and work with a number of established app platforms or can create a bespoke app if that is better suited for your need.
Jared Crellin
ListenUp Audio
Jared Crellin
Account Director
ListenUp Audio
Atlanta GA
Original Message:
Sent: 08-20-2019 10:51 AM
From: Peter Miele
Subject: Apps for Museum Education
Our museum just received a private gift to purchase 30 iPads for student and visitor use. In our Education Center, we intend to use these devices to engage in research for problem-based learning activities. Besides that, I am interested to know what sort of apps folks use to integrate iPads or other similar devices into the museum education experience. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Peter Miele
Chief Operating Officer and Director of Education
Seminary Ridge Museum
Gettysburg PA