Deborah and other fellow members of AAM,
With reference to analyzing currently data to measure engagement what is the metrics used, I give you data from two museum professionals from India:
"It is an excellent topic and in NCSM there was one impact assessment study, which was conducted and there is another study conducted for a joint exhibition of NCSM and London Science Museum, which NCSM is currently organising at Science City Kolkata, Superbugs : Is it the end of Antibiotics?..............Mr.Shivaprasad Khened, Director, Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai of National Council of Science Muesums, Gov't. of India."
"1991. Naqvi, A. Venugopal, B. Falk, J H and Dierking L D. 'Analysis of the behavior of family visitors in natural history museums: The New Delhi National Museum of Natural History', Curator, 34(1), 51-57. USA.............information given by
Dr.Venugopal B., former Director, National Museum of Natural History, Gov't of India, New Delhi)."
Deborah, what is your email id? If I get more information, I will send it to you by email.
Original Message:
Sent: 01-26-2021 12:05 PM
From: Deborah Disston
Subject: Collecting Data on Engagement
Dear Colleagues, I am interested in learning if anyone has done research on collecting data for engagement related to exhibitions, museum education, collection databases, social media and virtual exhibitions. Presently the data we gather is tracking numbers of visitors, numbers of students or members of the public that attend our museum education workshops, Qualtrics surveys that are presented to professors to understand the experiences their students have in our workshops. If you are currently analyzing data to measure engagement what is the metrics that you use? - Debbie Disston
Debbie Disston, Director
McIninch Art Gallery
Southern New Hampshire University
2500 N. River Road
Manchester, NH 03102
Deborah Disston
McIninch Art Gallery
Hooksett NH