I am working through the same question for one of our major signature events. Traditionally we've punched tickets we have been designed as souvenirs, but those do occasionally get lost in the event. A few self-inking stamps I'm looking at are:

They look like they have a long life and can be customized. I'm trying to avoid constantly having to re-ink pads. Our event isn't until to July, so I'm eager to hear from others or yourself, if you try something first!
Allison Clark
Visitor Experience Manager
Muncie IN
Original Message:
Sent: 04-28-2016 01:15 PM
From: Mark Thorne
Subject: Admission Control
Hello All,
I am interested in receiving suggestions for admission controls in lieu of tickets or wristbands. Since our visitor center is adjacent to a park and active hiking trail, I am concerned about litter making its way to the trail. Hand stamps have been a suggestion. Has anyone had success with these, and it so can you recommend a vendor?
Mark Thorne
Woodlawn Manor Cultural Park
Program Manager