Hello Amy,
One of the ways that a number of museums have helped create an environment where the paid for tours avoid hanger-ons is to use a Radio based Group Tour system. Using this type of technology helps in a number of ways:
1) It make the group easy to indentify.
2) It makes it obvious to someone who happened to be in a gallery that this is something "special" that they need to be part of from the start and just can't jump on. I have found that most people join tour groups just because they think it is free/included. You never know, it may actually help increase awareness and thus participation of this add-on tour.
3) It allows the docent to speak softly which benefits the visitors not in the group who don't want to be disturbed by a docent needing to speak loudly to be heard by the entire group. It also makes it harder to "listen in" if you aren't part of the group.
4) I also find that it helps create a different experience for the group that opted for the tour. It lessens the amount of times the docent is in the uncomfortable position of telling people that they can't join the group.
Some examples of what I am talking about:
- Radio Technology - Group Guiding - Acoustiguide
- Tour Guide Systems For Wireless Communications
(Full disclosure - I had previously worked in the audio tour world for a number of years, so I am a bit biased, but I have seen first hand before/after use how it helps with institutions and their private tours).
I would be happy to discuss this further if you have any questions or would like to know some sites/institutions that use this type of system.
Jared Crellin
Account Manager
Eriksen Translations, Inc
Brooklyn NY
Original Message:
Sent: 03-08-2016 02:07 PM
From: Amy Bischof
Subject: Guided Tours
Our museum is going to offer guided tours of our exhibit galleries. Since there will be an extra charge for the tours we would like to identify participants as part of a group to discourage general guests from tagging along. Any information on successful ways to do this?
Amy Bischof
The Hershey Story: The Museum on Chocolate Avenue
Hershey PA