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Looking to Speak with Graduate Students

  • 1.  Looking to Speak with Graduate Students

    Posted 10-28-2015 08:39 AM
    Hi, all --

    For a book on women in the museum workplace (to be published next year), my co-author, Joan Baldwin, and I are looking to speak with men and women who are currently in museums studies, public history and related graduate programs about your expectations for your future careers in museums.  We're looking for your thoughts about how graduate school is preparing you for your career, as well as your thoughts about pay, work/life balance, advancement and any other topics that might interest or concern you.

    We're looking to arrange a few conference calls and/or one-on-one interviews.  Please be in touch with Joan ( or me ( to let us know your story and your interest in speaking with us.

    Thank you and we look forward to connecting.


    Anne W. Ackerson
    Creative Leadership & Management Solutions
    1914 Burdett Avenue
    Troy, New York  12180
    T:  518-271-2455

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