You may want to contact the Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia. Their number is 215-236-3300. I visited and toured it this summer, they provided small digital recorders on a neck strap with earphones and they worked very well. The program was produced and directed by actor Steve Buscemi. Very informative and easy to use.
You could stop and start the recording as you walked the site. This was not a device for hearing impaired guests, just a assisted tour device. They may have different devices for hearing impaired guests.
Hope that is of some help.
Good luck,
Linda Nelson
Maryland Science Center
Baltimore MD
Original Message:
Sent: 10-01-2015 08:28 AM
From: Ellen Soares
Subject: Assisted Listening Devices
I am looking for advice and suggestions about assisted listening devices that our guides can use on their tours - both in museum galleries and on tours of historic houses and grounds.
Looking for systems that are relatively easy to use and maintain. I am also wondering if anyone has experience using a two way system so that comments and questions from tour participants can be heard by the entire group.
Thanks so much,
Ellen Soares
Peabody Essex Museum