As an exhibit designer and a parent of a child with multiple life threatening food allergies I am somewhat attuned to allergens in the environment. I'd like you to keep in mind two things, First you can probably find a person who is allergic to nearly everything you can think of - so trying to identify or eliminate every allergen simply wont happen. With that said, a relatively small number of allergens ( food) cause the vast majority of severe reactions; Milk, Nuts (tree and Peanuts), eggs, wheat, soy and fish ( inc. shellfish). These account for something like 80% off all severe reactions. You can add corn and get a few more percentage points. Many of these items are disguised in foods, corn and soy derivatives are in everything.
As for non food items, Latex is at the top of the list, but again, you can find someone allergic/sensitive to almost anything.
Whenever we go out to a place that has potential allergens, we ask to read product labels. We are a lot more savvy at sussing out hidden allergens than most so if I see a label that says gelatin, I know that is likely to be beef based and my kid will react to beef protein.
My suggestions is, rather than post a list of potential allergens, keep a binder with product labels that folks can look at.
Or, post a sign tat says "please ask to see our allergy information binder"
Bart Hays
Senior Exhibition Designer
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Monterey CA
Original Message:
Sent: 08-19-2015 08:19 AM
From: Elspeth Inglis
Subject: Allergen list
As I clean my office of its old files and books unused for years, I'm suffering from my dust allergies and thinking this (relatively) new building of ours probably has a lot of allergens recirculating around the building, thanks to our HVAC, filters notwithstanding. I imagine whatever we use for cleaning exhibits, bathrooms, glass doors, etc. could be problematic for lots of people. Are these the types of allergens you're thinking of? We don't have a café, so, food allergens are not an issue with us.
Elspeth Inglis
Assistant Director for Educational Services
Kalamazoo Valley Museum
Kalamazoo MI
Original Message:
Sent: 08-18-2015 01:51 PM
From: Martin Fisher
Subject: Allergen list
Do any of you have a posted 'warning' sign and a list of allergens in your building that visitors can ask to see, that you would be willing toshare with me?Thanks,Martin
Martin S. Fisher
Executive Director
Science Central
1950 North Clinton Street
Fort Wayne, IN 46805
Phone: (260) 424-2400 ext. 441
Cell: (260) 452-4047
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