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  • 1.  Blackbaud's Online Express

    Posted 05-21-2015 02:10 PM

    Good morning/afternoon,

    Previously I had come the discussion board asking for input on different web donation options that you all are using currently. We are now looking at the possibility of going with Blackbaud's Online Express, and I am hoping some of you who do use it can offer some feedback. 

    I would love to hear the good, bad and ugly with this integration. Specifically, here are some of the issues we hope Online Express could help us with:

    Online donation forms (donations, memberships, special programs, major giving, monthly/sustained giving, combined donations-membership with an annual fund monthly additional gift and an adopt an animal for example)

    Event registration/RSVP (hoping to have a max number of participants with the option of a waitlist. Some of these cost, some do not, some have member discounts.)

    Program registration/School Groups & Tours

    Marketing: newsletters, membership renewal eblasts, etc. (we currently use Constant Contact)

    Easily integrate online information with RE data (new and current constituents, different funds for different donations/fees)

    If you would be willing to share your experience with Online Express, or have suggestions for other options, I would greatly appreciate it!


    Aimee White
    Membership Coordinator
    High Desert Museum
    Bend OR

  • 2.  RE: Blackbaud's Online Express

    Posted 05-22-2015 02:13 PM

    Hi Aimee,

    We are also considering a move to this product and I'm very interested in any responses you receive from users.

    A few things that were true when we looked into it that may be important to you: The forms are templative - for the most part, you get what is there but do not get to add extra fields that will come into your database. So make sure you can collect what you need; If you are doing recurring/monthly gifts, you will need the EFT module for RE; All credit cards will be processed through BBMS (% and per transaction fee). The best thing about the product is that constituents do not need to login, yet records are matched in your database (you get a chance to review before importing)

    There is a product community - you can review what issues people are having. It's sort of a public support site and area for users to make suggestions and get help.

    Blackbaud Online Express Customer Community

    Good luck and keep us posted if you receive information outside the forum!

    Allison Wieland
    Database & Grants Manager
    Anchorage Museum
    Anchorage AK

  • 3.  RE: Blackbaud's Online Express

    Posted 05-26-2015 11:50 AM

    Thank you Allison! 

    I knew that you guys were thinking of doing the switch. I'll try to get more information regarding what fields are available in the templates from our rep. 

    We are hoping to have something solidified this week, so I'm definitely going to spend some time perusing the site you forwarded.


    Aimee White
    Membership Coordinator
    High Desert Museum
    Bend OR